Our Purpose

Why Atmos Indigenous?

Atmos invokes the liminal space between our terrestrial existence and the stars. It is the place that is between us and where we came from, and the space we must traverse to return home. It also references the liminal space between the here/now and the future, or where we are and where we want to be. It is in this space that we can find transformation, and harness the power of change for good. For better health. For a better future.

At Atmos Indigenous, we believe in the power of two-eyed seeing to guide our work as a team, drawing inspiration from Mi’kmaq Elder Albert Marshall:

"Two-Eyed Seeing refers to learning to see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous ways of knowing and from the other eye with the strengths of Western ways of knowing and to using both of these eyes together” (Bartlett, Marshall, & Marshall)

Our mission is to help individuals, organizations, and communities bridge the liminal space that they are facing in a way that honors and celebrates Indigenous cultures, traditions, and knowledge.

We believe that Indigenous ways of knowing and being hold the key to solving some of the world's most pressing challenges, such as climate change, freshwater management, fisheries, language revitalization, and health.

Our Values, Intentions and Responsibilities as a Team

We undertake projects that build from the skills of the Atmos Indigenous team as we work with those seeking experience and advice on Indigenous issues. We are guided by Indigenous philosophies drawn from the communities and cultures of our founding Partners and Fellows. Our values, intentions and responsibilities inform how we work collectively and within the spaces we engage in on Turtle Island.


Our work with partners and clients is founded in honesty, humility, transparency and clarity in order to honour and uphold the integrity and dignity of our research community and that of our partners and clients. This foundation strengthens our ability to fulfill our intentions in working with you.



We are committed to building good relationships with our partners. Our intentions are guided by Two-Eyed seeing, where we build and learn from the knowledges of all.



We conduct our projects with a good mind and balance in what we do, with and for our partners in a circle of respect, honesty, and balance.

Let’s Work Together